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Code Section
Tit. 75 1548; 1532; 3731; 3802 et seq.

BAC Legal Limit
.08% BAC within 2 hrs. of driving or actual physical control of vehicle; under age 21: .02% BAC within 2 hrs. of driving or actual physical control of any vehicle

Rehabilitation Required?
Evaluation to determine extent of person’s involvement with alcohol or controlled substances using Court Reporting Network instruments (may order treatment if necessary) and mandatory attendance in approved alcohol highway safety school

Driver’s License Suspension?
1 month (of part of Accelerated Rehabilitation Disposition) to 12 mos.

Other Penalties
1st: up to 6 months probation, $300, misdemeanor; 2nd: 5 days–6 months jail, $300–2500; 3rd or subsequent: misdemeanor in 2nd degree, 10 days–2 yrs. jail, $500–5000; Note: Sentencing and fines higher for minors and commercial drivers, and judge may impose up to 150 hrs. community service in addition to above penalties

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